Saturday, November 18, 2006

Giving Thanks for Work in Hawaii

Day 4

Today we took a tour to Pearl Harbor.  The tour consisted of a lot of people and we all were talking and laughing on the way out, but once we got to the site of the Arizona Memorial, everyone became silent.  It was very quiet and solemn and moving.  To look down into the water and see the wreckage.  Jason was literally moved to tears, and I've never seen him cry.  I mean that.
approaching the memorial

the sunken ship

Jason was so moved

aerial view of the sunken ship and memorial
Jason and Joe had to work, so Jody and I took the kids to a luau for dinner.

Then one last shopping trip so that Jade could get my mother's gift.  She selected an oyster, then had them pull a pearl from it and turn it into a necklace!

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